Previous Event Agenda

8:00 - 9:00

Registration & Networking

9:00 - 9:05

Conference inauguration

9:05 - 9:10
Welcome message

Welcome message

Abdullah Al Wahaibi

9:10 - 9:15
Opening remarks

Opening remarks

Prof. Abdullah Al Badi

9:15 - 9:25
Keynote speech

Keynote speech

H.E Eng. Salim bin Nasser Al Aufi

9:25 - 9:30

Short Video

9:30 - 9:50
Energy Transition in Europe

Energy Transition in Europe

Dr. Maia Melikidze

9:50 - 10:00

Awarding ceremony


Exhibition Opening and End of Opening Ceremony

Session One: Energy Market Outlook

Session One: Energy Market Outlook

Prof. Mohammed Al Badi

10:40 - 10:45

Session Opening

10:45 - 11:00
Oman Energy Transition Masterplan

Oman Energy Transition Masterplan

Abdulaziz Al Shidhani

11:00 - 11:15
Energy sector regulations update

Energy sector regulations update

Hilal Al Ghaithi

11:15 - 11:30
Access Charges Regulation - Oman Case Study

Access Charges Regulation - Oman Case Study

Ahmed Al-Nadabi

11:30 - 12:20
Executive Panel Discussion: Oman’s readiness for energy transition

Executive Panel Discussion: Oman’s readiness for energy transition

Prof. Mohammed Al Badi

Panel members
▪ Eng. Abdulaziz Al Shidhani, Director General for Renewable Energy and Hydrogen –
Ministry of Energy & Minerals
▪ Mazin Al Lamki, Chief Executive Officer – Energy Development Oman
▪ Eng. Yaqoob A Kiyumi, Chief Executive Officer, OPWP
▪ Eng. Faiza Al Harthi, Energy Sector Head, Oman Vision 2040
▪ Jamie Hoyzer, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Oman

Session Two: Sustainable Energies

Session Two: Sustainable Energies

Dr. Salim Al Hudhaili

12:50 - 12:55

Session Opening

12:55 - 13:10
CITY CARBON NET’ The Carbon Neutrality for ‘urban contexts

CITY CARBON NET’ The Carbon Neutrality for ‘urban contexts

Michele Carrelli Palombi

13:10 - 13:25
Review of Renewable Energy Source Impacts on GCC Grids

Review of Renewable Energy Source Impacts on GCC Grids

Dr. Aidan Tuohy

13:25 - 13:40
Battery Storage Sizing Advantages and Challenges in Renewables Energy Systems: Systems Optimization Towards Reduced Cost of Energy

Battery Storage Sizing Advantages and Challenges in Renewables Energy Systems: Systems Optimization Towards Reduced Cost of Energy

Abbas Al Lawati

13:40 - 13:55
Volt-Var challenges & opportunities

Volt-Var challenges & opportunities

Saroj Kumar Mahapatra

13:55 - 14:10
Assessment of Wind Resources in PDO Concession Area

Assessment of Wind Resources in PDO Concession Area

Mohammed Ali Al Lawati

14:10 - 14:20
2nd Edition Spark by NYP Magazine Launch “Climate Change”

2nd Edition Spark by NYP Magazine Launch “Climate Change”

Amjad Nasser Al-Shukri

14:20 - 14:40

Panel Discussion


Prayers & Lunch

Session Three: Distribution Systems

Session Three: Distribution Systems

Yousuf Al Mahrooqi

15:30 - 15:35

Session opening

15:35 - 15:50
The challenges and effects of wildlife animals on Distribution Networks and the Solutions

The challenges and effects of wildlife animals on Distribution Networks and the Solutions

Abdulrahim Al Saifi

15:50 - 16:10
Impact of Cost Reflective Tariff on MZEC's Peak Load and Demand Forecast

Impact of Cost Reflective Tariff on MZEC's Peak Load and Demand Forecast

Said Al Ismaili

16:10 - 16:25
System restoration testing of communication-based distribution automation schemes

System restoration testing of communication-based distribution automation schemes

Mohamed Ibrahim Ali

16:25 - 16:40
Techno-Economic Evaluation for Supplying Integrated City - A case study Khazaen Area

Techno-Economic Evaluation for Supplying Integrated City - A case study Khazaen Area

Humaid Al-Shukaili

16:40 - 16:55
Impact of climate on Distribution Assets in UAE and upgrading of Distributions lines using Concrete poles

Impact of climate on Distribution Assets in UAE and upgrading of Distributions lines using Concrete poles

Praveen Kumar Kumarasamy

16:55 - 17:30

Panel Discussion


End of Day One

8:00 - 9:00

Registration & Networking

Session Four: Power Grids

Session Four: Power Grids

Dr. Adil Busaidi

9:00 - 9:05

Session opening

9:05 - 9:20
Secondary asset transparency and vulnerability management in substations

Secondary asset transparency and vulnerability management in substations

Deepak Ramachandran

9:20 - 9:35
The Energy Transition D-cube (Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization)

The Energy Transition D-cube (Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization)

Dr. Fahd Hashiesh

9:35 - 9:50
The Ancillary Services Requirements in Oman Power Sector

The Ancillary Services Requirements in Oman Power Sector

Anwar Nasser Salim AlHarthi

9:50 - 10:05
Renewable integration to Grid

Renewable integration to Grid

Fahad Al Farsi

9:50 - 10:05
Renewable integration to Grid

Renewable integration to Grid

Sivakumar Bakthavathsalam

10:05 - 10:20
Review on Future of Monitoring and Control of Power Grids using Synchro Phasors Technology

Review on Future of Monitoring and Control of Power Grids using Synchro Phasors Technology

Yaqoub Hamed Al Shamli

10:20 - 10:35
400kV power transformers manufacturing

400kV power transformers manufacturing

Mohammed Abdul Raman Al Kaabi

10:35 - 11:00

Panel Discussion


Coffee Break

Session Five: Energy Management / Efficiency

Session Five: Energy Management / Efficiency

Salim Al Haddabi

11:20 - 11:25

Session opening

11:25 - 11:40
Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Khalfan Al Burtmani

11:40 - 11:55
Nonlinear Programming-Based Transmission Expansion Planning:The Effect of Corona Power Loss

Nonlinear Programming-Based Transmission Expansion Planning:The Effect of Corona Power Loss

Ali Al-Faraj

11:55 - 12:10
Power Quality Monitoring and Analysis

Power Quality Monitoring and Analysis

Zakariya Al Hashmi

12:10 - 12:25
Power Quality for Renewable & Utility segment

Power Quality for Renewable & Utility segment

Saravanan Jeganathan

12:25 - 12:40
Operating Challenges of Integrated Electrical systems at OQ SR Complex and its Solutions

Operating Challenges of Integrated Electrical systems at OQ SR Complex and its Solutions

Mayank Jain

12:25 - 12:40
Operating Challenges of Integrated Electrical systems at OQ SR Complex and its Solutions

Operating Challenges of Integrated Electrical systems at OQ SR Complex and its Solutions

Aamir Al Kharusi

12:40- 12:55
Connecting Al Wasta Networks To the MIS

Connecting Al Wasta Networks To the MIS

Hilal Said Al Hadi

12:55- 13:20

Panel Discussion


Prayers & Lunch

Session Six: Asset Management & Optimization

Session Six: Asset Management & Optimization

Dr. Rashid AlBadwawi​

14:30 - 14:35

Session opening

14:35 - 14:50
An Asset Performance Tool using Data Analytics for Transco’s Power Transmission Network

An Asset Performance Tool using Data Analytics for Transco’s Power Transmission Network

Nainar Balasubramanian

14:50 - 15:05
Electrical faults statistics in 33kV Distribution Network- an oil field case

Electrical faults statistics in 33kV Distribution Network- an oil field case

Dr. Adil Busaidi

15:05 - 15:20
Digitally Optimized and Innovative Solution for Synchronization in Transmission Network

Digitally Optimized and Innovative Solution for Synchronization in Transmission Network

Najla Alshamsi

15:20 - 15:35
High Impedance Fault Detection in Distribution Network Research and Comparison

High Impedance Fault Detection in Distribution Network Research and Comparison

Jamal Al Saeedi

15:35 - 15:50


Malika Saif Al Amri

15:50 - 16:20

Panel Discussion


Closing remarks and end of day two