
David Langner

Senior System Design Engineer, Siemens Energy

David Langner (M’ 2014, S.M’ 2019) has >15 years of professional experience, working on FACTS projects worldwide.  David earned his Dipl.-Ing. (FH) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Science of Hannover, Germany in 2008.  Since then, he has been working for Siemens Energy (former Siemens AG) and is the responsible system design engineer in many SVC, STATCOM, Hybrid STATCOM and Synchronous Condenser tenders/projects.  David is currently the Chair of the SCI0-FACTS & HVDC Stations Subcommittee, the Vice-Chair of the two Working Groups (WG) I4-SVC since 2015 and I3-DRPC since 2020 and has been working in relevant IEEE WG (I2, I3, I4, I5, I9, I11) since 2012.  He has authored multiple technical papers and organized a handful of panel sessions and tutorials.