
Prof. Marek Jasiński

University professor - Warsaw University of Technology

Marek Jasinski, PhD, and D.Sc. graduated with a master's degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in 2000 (with distinctionsfrom IEEE Poland Section (PS) and Association of Polish Electrical Engineers). Doctoral degree in the discipline of electrical engineering received from WUT in 2005, and habilitation (D.Sc. in 2018). The doctoral thesis was awarded by ABB.

From 2021 the head of the Industrial Electronics Division at the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. In 2019, he received a Professor position in the Industrial Electronics Division, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, WUT; in years 2008-2019 Associate Professor at WUT. His research focuses on the control of power electronics converters for drives and renewable energy sources. Currently, his research is focused on the control of Energy processing by means of Power ElectronicsIntelligent Converters Technology under distorted grid voltage and higher impedance of grids as well as on optimizing the topology and control of intelligent convertersused in different types of power plants raising energy from distributed renewable sources.

In 2009 he was with the Aalborg University within VESTAS Power Program (consultant). In 2013/2014 he had an internship at RWTH-Aachen University – E.ON Energy Research Center Power Generation and Storage Systems in Germany. In 2020 he spends one month as Temporary Associate Research Scientist at A&M Texas University at Qatar (TAMUQ), Smart Grid Center. He has coauthored two patents, three chapters in books and over 101-refereed journal and conference papers. He has taken a part in over 20 research, development and industry projects (of which five as project leader). In the projects,
he worked with industry, including TWERD Power Electronics, TRUMPF Huettinger, ABB, PSE. The results of some projects carried out together with the representatives of the industry have been implemented in the productio.

Dr. Jasinski has been invited to act as a reviewer and a member of the Evaluation Committees for doctoral theses, habilitation, and employment at universities in Poland, Spain, Finland, Estonia and Denmark. He has been the supervisor or co-supervisor for many engineering, master and doctoralthesis. Most students who graduated under his supervision are currently working in the chosen field and enjoying professional success. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and currently holds the position of Chair of IEEE Poland Section (2024-) and Past Chair of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Student and Young Professional (YP) Activity Committee awarded in 2019 by IEEE YP Hall of Fame Award. In the years 2008 - 2012 he was Chair of the IES - Power Electronics (PELS) Joint Chapter IEEE PS. Under his supervision, the IEEE PS Joint IES-PELS Chapter received 2010 Chapter Activity Award. He is an Associate Editor in IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (IEM since 2016), IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (JESTIE since 2019), and IEEE IES Industrial Electronics Technology News (ITeN since 2020). He has revived publications in IEEE journals (among other Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Transaction on Power Electronics), other international journals and manuscripts at national and international conferences. He works as a reviewer with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Centre for Research and Development. He organized national and international seminars, workshops and conferences.

He has also chaired regular and special sessions on the integration of distributed energy sources of electrical power systems. He has received team Rector's Awards and other for his research results including the first prize for scientific and technical achievements of the Prime Minister (Poland) in 2017.